We try to limit collecting your data as much as possible. We use plausible.io for site analytics, which is an open-source privacy-focused analytics program. You can read more about Plausible’s committment to privacy here. Plausible is configured to not place any cookies on your computer or record any information which could personally identify you (such as your IP address).

When you place an order, obviously it is necessary to collect your name, email address, mailing address, and shipment information. This information is retained in case of shipping and payment disputes. We do not sell your data, nor give it away to any third party. Note that if you choose to pay via Paypal or Stripe, they may collect and/or retain your data. You are encouraged to view their privacy policy.

If you opt in to our newsletter, your email address is retained so that we can send you the newsletter. If you choose to unsubscribe, your email address will no longer be retained.