Thank you for grabbing our free e-book. You should get it within a few minutes.
Now let me help you out even more, with our privacy starter kit.
(But I’m only offering this once)
You probably know how bad things are with online privacy. But where do you get started?
Let me a show you heap of alternatives that will help you break away from google:

It’s our comprehensive list of google alternatives.
Whether you’re looking for a private search engine, email, maps/navigation, or file storage, we’ve got dozens of choices to help you get started.
As as bonus, you’ll also get our ebook with a 12 Step Plan for Quitting Facebook
Are you a social media addict? Do you know you should quit, but don’t know how to do it?
Let us help, with 12 simple steps anyone can take to break free of social media… forever!
The advice inside applies not only to facebook, but to any social media site you might be on.

Finally, we’ll also send you a USB data blocker.

This handy device will allow you to charge your phone anywhere you like without worrying about someone stealing your data. It simply disconnects the data pins while allowing charging to take place.
Measures approx. 1″ square, so throw one in your bag and bring it anywhere you go. Perfect for the coffee shop, airport, or anywhere else you need to charge your phone in public.
Just on their own, I sell these for $7.99 in my store.
However, you can get:
- our huge list of google alternatives
- our 12-step plan for quitting facebook
- plus a USB data blocker
… all for just $7
Is your privacy online worth a mere 7 bucks? You bet it is!
This package will get you started down the road to online privacy.
But once again, this is a one-time offer.